Experience across a broad nonfiction base including IT/consumer electronics, education, religion, business, finance, health and marketing communications; I prefer working within diverse industries and disciplines when it comes to nonfiction. As to fiction, I have experience with YA but will work any genre except erotica.
Content / developmental editing
Line editing
Copy editing / proofreading
Design / layout, ghostwriting, hard copy and online magazine production, print production
Free 5–8 page sample edit; content development is bid at $35/hour (per-word rates don’t make sense for this type of work); for developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreads I usually quote a flat fee based on per-word rates (developmental/substantive: $0.04/word; line edit: $0.017/word; copy edit: $0.015/word; proofread $0.01/word); my rates are negotiable depending on the client’s needs and how interested I am in working on a project.